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This dictionary is the digitized version of the Wogulisches Wörterbuch (Munkácsi, Bernát – Kálmán, Béla 1986, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó), the first academic dictionary of the Mansi language. The material presented in the dictionary was collected by Bernát Munkácsi in 1888-1889.
Apart from a huge amount of grammatical, folkloric and text material, Munkácsi also collected rich lexicographical material among the Mansis. From the Mansi sentences which he gathered he compiled a card catalogue, the main part of which he sorted on the basis of the dialect and alphabetical order.
After Munkácsi’s death, Béla Kálmán took over the task of editing Munkácsi’s material. Kálmán rearranged the card catalogue, putting the words with the same etymological background together. Then he and his colleagues completed the cards with all the Mansi words from Munkácsi’s text material.
In the dictionary entries the basic form of nouns and the third person singular form of verbs are given. In square brackets the present-day form of the word from the Sosva dialect can be found based on Kálmán’s (or sometimes on Rombandeeva’s) notes. The meaning of the entries is given in Hungarian and sometimes in Russian (following Munkácsi) as well as in German. The German translations were added by Béla Kálmán. The meaning of the words is also illustrated by sample sentences. The derivatives and compounds containing the given word are also listed.