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Michael Rießler

Current Position:

Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)


Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
University of Freiburg
Albertstraße 19
79104 Freiburg i.B
Phone +49 (0) 761-203 97394


2011: Ph.D., Department of Linguistics, University of Leipzig
2002: M.A., Department of Northern European Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin

Recent professional experience:

since 2015: Adjunct Professor (German Privatdozent) in Finno-Ugric Studies, University of Helsinki
since 2013: Head of the Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies, University of Freiburg

Significant projects:

2017-to date: Language Documentation meets Language Technology: The Next Step in the Description of Komi (together with Rogier Blokland and Niko Partanen), Kone Foundation, Finland
2016-to date: Grammatical Descriptions, Corpora, and Language Technology for Indigenous Northern Eurasian Languages (together with Beáta Wagner-Nagy), Academies' Programme at The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg, Germany
2014-2016: Building an annotated digital corpus for future research on Komi speech communities in northernmost Russia (together with Rogier Blokland and Marina Fedina), Kone Foundation, Finland
2012-2016: A corpus-based comparative description of Kildin and Ter Saami, DFG, Germany
2005-2010: Kola Saami Documentation Project (together with Jurij Kusmenko), VW Foundation, Germany
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Last update: 24-08-2023