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tɘːn ʃeːtəpmiddle lozva mansi (LM)Pershä, Michail Grigorichprose (pro)Ethnographic Texts (eth)1436by Eichinger, Viktoria
Munkácsi, Bernát (1896): Vogul népköltési gyüjtemény. In: IV. kötet. Életképek. Elsö füzet. Vogul szövegek és fordításaik. Budapest: Magyar tudományos akadémia, 419. Munkácsi, Bernát; Kálmán, BélaMunkácsi, Bernát (MU)
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"Sinew thread"
by Riese, Timothy
Munkácsi, Bernát 1896: OUDB Middle Lozva Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1436. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. (Accessed on 2024-05-20)
Sinew thread
Sinew thread.
Thread is made by women out of dry sinews.
They pound it with the back of an axe to soften it, then it is pulled apart in thread size and braided on knees or faces.
This sinew thread is threaded onto a piece of wood or a bone.
This bone is called a sinew bone.
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Last update: 24-08-2023