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sɒɣrpjeːxʷeastern mansi (EM)Semeon Alagulov (15.12.1904) Andrei Istanovitš Jutkin (27.12.1904)prose (pro)Bear Songs (bes)1552by Schigutt, Hannah
Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti, Wogulische Volksdichtung V. MSFOu, volume 116, p. 127-128 Kannisto & Liimola (KL)
Englische ÜbersetzungDeutsche ÜbersetzungRussische ÜbersetzungUngarische Übersetzung
"Axe dance"
by Schigutt, Hannah - Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola: OUDB Eastern Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1552. Ed. by Janda, Gwen Eva. (Accessed on 2024-05-17)
Axe dance
A woman and a man entered.
The man dances.
While he is dancing he comes closer and closer to the table, he comes close, came close to it.
Under the table lies an axe.
When he reached out (his arm for the axe), the man sitting at the table says: "Don't touch it!"
he says.
He fell backwards.
He came back dancing.
He reached out his hand, grabbed the axe.
He went backwards to the door, sings:
"My hundred bear-killing weapons fell into my hand,
my hundred elk-killing weapons fell into my hand,
I stole an axe,
I stole a woman.
I'm a man who hunts down a bear alone,
I'm a man who hunts down an elk alone."
They started to dance together, danced, stopped, went outside.
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Last update: 24-08-2023