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The OUDB Paasonen Yugan Khanty corpus (PA) contains texts that were collected by H. Paasonen in 1901, later edited and translated into German by E. Vértes and published in 2001. Paasonen’s phonetic transcription was revised by E. Vértes. Here this is reflected in IPA characters. Please find more details here. E. Vértes’s German translations were adopted here like they were published. Only few changes by M. Csepregi (2003) were added. The audio recordings were taken and provided by M. Csepregi. The speaker who reads the texts in these recordings is Agrafena Semyonovna Pesikova. We would like to thank M. Csepregi for her cooperation!

glossed only audio only
annotated only
= 4 texts
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Last update: 24-08-2023