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wəsʲkom woːr kənsəm jælnæːt woil kʷɒtə təpseastern mansi (EM)Afanasij (25.7.1904) Jutkin, Andrei Ivanovitš (1.11.1904)prose (pro)Bear Songs (bes)1532by Schigutt, Hannah
Text SourceEditorCollector
Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti Wogulische Volksdichtung IV. MSFOu, S.96-99 Version BLiimola, MattiKannisto & Liimola (KL)
English TranslationGerman TranslationRussian TranslationHungarian Translation
"A boy gets lost while hunting and becomes a bear."
by Schigutt, Hannah - Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola: OUDB Eastern Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1532. Ed. by Janda, Gwen Eva. (Accessed on 2024-05-06)
A boy gets lost while hunting and becomes a bear.
A boy got lost while hunting.
He found the end of a tree trunk burnt by fire, sat down, laments and beweeps the kin that his father made, the kin that his mother gave birth to:
"Where (is it) still (possible for me) to see the kin that my father made, the kin that my mother gave birth to!"
he says.
While he is swaying and rocking, he fell over headfirst, he tumbled
stood up as a bear.
Then he started to sing, says:
"An animal, an animal, an animal I am,
I'm an elk, an elk,
(when) I step on the heath, I am the master of the heath,
(when) I go into the forest, I am the master of the forest.
There is no master that can command me,
there is no god that can command me.
After I ate up the strong food of soft barley that I brought from the area of Tapinskij,
after I drank it up
it went right through my bones
it went right through my flesh.
(When) I step on the heath,
I am the son born by the Soaper woman (in) the middle of the heath,
(when) I step into the forest,
I am the son born by the Koam woman (in) the middle of the forest.
I am someone who lives according to his own will.
If anyone comes against me
I tear him into rag shreds, into grass shreds.
With force I take even those things not allowed by god
with force I seize even those things not granted by god."
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